The core of law is JUSTICE.
A simple word, easy to say. But, how easy it truly is to implement it in our life???
Then comes to the term CORRUPTION, the extraordinary crime that threatens the veins of our country based upon the Indonesian legal culture.
"Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupt absolutely." -Lord Acton.
So what corruption truly is???
According to Robert Kligaard, the formula of corruption is C=M+D-A
The main question is, what are we gonna do with all those tyed rats a.k.a coruptors???
Here I am, proposing the punishment of what I personally believe will be effective to eradicate corruption slowly but sure (it is not as easy as blinking eyes, is it?), to give deterrens effect in order to provide justice for all as it is stated in Pancasila as the staatsfundamentalnorm of Indonesia, the fifth principle that says, "Social justice for whole Indonesian citizens"
According to the statement of the vice-chief of Corruption Eradication Commision (KPK), Busyro Muqaddas, corruption creates mass poverty.
So the punishment we can give is by making the corruption defendant poor, by taking all of his assets and wealth. Because philosophically, corruptors do not afraid of the state, do not afraid to die they afraid even terrified of being poor that is why they do corrupt.
But apart from that, after we take all of his property, we sentence him to death penalty. So it is not only him who feels the effect but his wife and kids also. Because death penalty itself would never be enough to get deterrens effect if corruptors have saved their money all around the world that guarantees his family and descent will live prosper. It is as if he sacrifises himself for the sake of his family. That is why death penalty itself is not enough unless accompanied by making the corruptors poor so people would think twice before doing corruption. This hopefully would erase corruption slowly.
As Deny Indrayana had stated that corruption is crime against humanity. Because of corruption, state could not respect, protect and fulfil its citizens' human rights.
So let us take an eye for an eye. We would not make the whole world blind, Gandhi. We are seeking for justice using the eye of heart.
Mean? No! Certainly no.
Law is harsh but that is law.
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