
Why students do not feel at home on campus?

Regarding the title mentioned above, maybe some of you would think that it is not an important topic to discuss but it actually is for me. No doubt, campus is written in our agenda on almost every single week day since it is our obligation to go there. Why? Simple, no study > no diploma > no job > no life. Sometimes duty feels harder to do than right; as a prove, you would feel extremely happy when you hear “Bu Aroma kosong” or even “Pak Zainal kosong”, well that’s heaven, because going to their class is actually our duty, and we just lose one of our duties, then we are glad for that. Now imagine, when your friends say “we have an extra class for islamic belief on Saturday at 7”, well that’s hell! Why is that? Because we have a new duty.

So here’s the thing, it is stupid actually when feel excited because of our lecturer isn’t able to come to the class, why? Because we hava paid, well our parents did, so we have right to obtain their teaching class certain times per certain semester and when we lose it, we lose our right then. What are we supposed to feel then? Is it happiness? Maybe it’s because when we have no class, means we don’t have to go to campus, because I’d rather to go home or go to another place and hang out with some friends, and this thing really corelates with the title I put: why students do not feel at home on campus?

Let’s analyze why such thing happens in our campus!

Relize it or not, it could be due to the lack of space or places for students during the free time. Starting from the simplest thing; seeing our tiny little canteen is just annoying enough, its just non sense! I think it was built without even considering the sum of students. Too crowded, too many people, unorganized, not well maintained, whereas it should be a place for students to have lunch together before then they can discuss something together, and have a really good time so that they feel comfortable being in this campus, but it’s just not happening.
There’s another thing; there should be places for students in a compfortable area where we ca do relaxing, take a look at the picture below

Well maybe it’s too impossible to reach now but we may reflect to the campus of economy where they have enough such kind of places. It’s unfair guys! We do need more facilities.
Besides, we actually have several UKM in our faculty, but unfortunately, campus doesn’t provide any place devoted for them. They need to borrow a room first before they can do their activity. Besides, maybe some of you haven’t heard about Sekretariatan Bersama (SEKBER), it’s a forum of all the members of UKM, it’s made so that people from UKM can get along each other, know each other, but again no place available, it’s harder for them to run this then. So, sekber has not officialy made yet. This is sad, especially when we know that sekber has already their own place in kampus terpadu. Plus, the backyard which is supposed to be futsal and basketball courts now is just transformed to the parking lot. It has been happening since years ago, and there’s still always no any resolution from the head of our faculty.

But overall, the worst thing ever which keeps us bound in such condition is the students itself. Why? Most of the students now seem indifferent knowing problems existing in their own faculty. Maybe some of them haven’t even heard about any problem on campus because they don’t want to know, maybe they never socialize, so they never hear stories from other people. Or maybe saying some of them have known about certain cases in our campus, but they don’t care. Maybe for them, it’s not their business, because what they need to do is just study, then graduate. That’s all. So what’s the different then from siswa to MAHAsiswa?

But I do realize that me myself, I can’t blame them, it’s their choice, and they are free to choose. So it’s our duty then to suggest them, to move them, to encourge them for togeher struggling in our beloved campus. Lots of people would be more worthful than just few of people in facing the head of the faculty to tell them our willingnes in order to achieve our welfare. Let’s make this beloved campus comes alive! Make our campus our home.

Love, F.A

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