
Berna Merinda Febi (12410145)


Here I invite all of you to discuss about this sentence “Is corruption a culture??” in this occasion, as we known corruption is the biggest problem, that should be handle as soon as possible, and this problem is becoming the main focus for the underdevelopment country, we also know the develop country is have a small number of corruption cases, caused I believe that poverty is the main reason why someone corruption, and that proved by some fact that rich countries who has independent since a long time ago have a higher level of self-awareness than the country who underdevelopment.
Before I conclude my opinion, let’s us discussing first
·        What is Culture?
·        What is Corruption?
·        Is corruption is a culture?


Misguided Culture

       Misguided culture or bad culture which has overspread in society about corruption, as mentioned in these arguments: (1) Yang haram saja sulit, kapan dapat yang halal, manusia langka, jaman sekarang menolak rizki; (2) Ah, cara itu kelamaan, tembak (baca: suap) saja; (3) Habis bagaimana jamannya sudah begini, urusan agama itu urusan pribadi, jangan dikait-kaitkan dengan pekerjaan; (4) Ah, sok suci; Ya kita harus menyesuaikan dengan situasi; dari pada dijauhi teman-teman; and etc.

         With those explanation society’s treatments lead to :(1) Bersedia menerima rizki yang haram; kurang berhati-hati terhadap status (haram atau halal) terhadap rizki yang diperolehnya; (2) Mereka tidak lagi bersabar menempuh cara halal, memilih melakukan suap; (3) Mereka ikut arus meskipun arahnya bertentangan dengan hati nurani; agama baginya tidak lagi sebagai kehidupan melainkan hanya dimanfaatkan ketika diperlukan; (4) Dari pada diejek dan tak punya teman, mereka memutuskan berperilaku seperti kebanyakan orang lainnya. And corruption as mushroom which is breeding on suitable field and climate. Then corruption in Indonesia not only spread but also it like essence product of culture which nuanced corruptive.

           And the result, in child mind crystallized the culture which created the concept treatment of corruptive believed as right way, which can be used to reach the necessities of life. 

       On the consideration the values: label corruptor viewed more prestigious than label “maling”. Do corruptions feel like not guilty, because that mistake considered as wrong system, for example: salary is inadequate; the application of the principle of rewards and punishment disproportional, The oath of office forgotten. The oath of office considered as ritual and so its truth meaning abused.

Posted by Lukman hakim