
Position and role of Pancasila as an Ideology amid other ideology

            The existence of thinking to build ideology as pancasila in statehood is good, because as we know in 21th century which identified with freedom of trade and globalization. Pancasila has to be able to answer various threats and challenges because of the existence of negative influence of ideology liberal-capitalist in all aspects of life. Even Pancasila should be showed as alternative ideology for all states and countries in the world. 
       Pancasila is different with others ideology in the world because Pancasila more respect the right of people and individual. In Pancasila there is the private of personality which is very important. Personality of humanity is the truth characteristic of human which is becomes the differentiator with other god creation. And actually Pancasila consist of five basic meaning, they are: 
1. Divinity (ketuhanan)
2. Humanity (kemanusiaan)
3. Unity (persatuan)
4. Populist (kerakyatan)
5. Justice (keadilan) 

The differences Pancasila with other ideology are:
  1. Pancasila recognizes and protects the right of people and individual within in economical view or in political view.
  2. Pancasila recognizes the right of  ownership of individual and people. In Capitalist the ownership of individual is recognized and allowed without limitation instead Comunism give all the ownership of individual property to state.    
  3. Pancasila recognized harmoniously either collectivism or individualism. Although capitalism recognizses individualism,and communism recognizes collectivism. 

Posteed by Lukman Hakim