
The Deviation of Public Servant of Security

The definition of law in Indonesia actually have certain meaning which is not be able to explain each aspects . Even when I was kid and often heard about law , actually I should have hard to thinking or exact my mind to give definition about “ what is the meaning of law ? “ . No doubt , I will have a thought between justice and legal system . It's possibly not really same with the definition about law itself . I also believe that the law is belong to people who have the power or authority . Proper to my mindset about the subject who hold the law , Because I often saw that a police catch a stolen instead used a weapon during the process . So that , I have a mindset that a law as a punishment or sentence for a suspect . In a row to run the times , surely we should have different an idea to reach what is the law as widen . Nowadays , I have an idea that a law also be able to get an idea from the kid's idea . Because in nowadays , the law just be possed by a people who have the authority or power . Beside responsibility the servant to give service for the people who need a law and secure involve Indonesia as a Law Country . In reality there are many topics that take up in general society about the deviation of police . Althought , They are can be called “ Public Servant “ . Certainly I have many reason to reinforce my idea about the subject of law whose couldn't called a “ Public Servant “ .
To support my opinion , I taken the story from “ Anne Ahira “https://www.facebook.com/Anne.Ahira.Asian.Brain which one she said that she witness a violence of acts by police to her husband . In that stories explain that Anne's husband asked to a people to extinguish his smoke because he had an illness which couldn't to breath as well that he couldn't inhale a smoke surely . Supposed will get a good respon from that man , obvious what ? he got a bad response from him . The smoking man obviously a police but his manner didn't like a police because his conduct to deal with other people not drawing a good manner as the policeman . He also spoke rude with kick up Anne husband's feet . So sad , rights ? When we know about the behaviour of police who almost get bad values in public society . Actually , there are many cases that doing by police in Indonesia which make a bad perspective for others . 

source : www.google.com/komhukum
Just reminds about the police's cases who used their weapon to make a people keep silent even show their authority . As we know that a police couldn't to use a weapon without permitted or free will also a police should to throught certain procedure to get a permitted take a weapon . Based on the information from Indonesia Police Watch ( IPW ) which explains about the police cases where mostly the police doing a mistake to shot up their suspect in 2012 year in Indonesia from Aceh till Papua . There are 37 cases that explain about “ wrong target “ by police which is used their authority arbitrary . Cause regarding the cases which is done by police almost have related with “ vested interest of police “ where as they wanna get more respect from the others or exactly have a Cowboy Soul in they are . Moreover there is a police who get a drunk and not aware till cast loose a bullet to a man . Thus , The paradigm of police is almost bad although just certain police who to do that . Absolutely , it will enclosed the possibility to get a good perspective from the others eventhough they are make a change or a new recovery system for the process of .

- Vina -

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