
Simple but always forgotten

  • I dont know it began from globalization or other. But my analyze that maybe have been a tradition. In every there a topic and we will start the discussion the discussion contestant or the student answer, give arguments , give respond but there forget to say a word . once again it very simple but always forgotten actually that because it simple this word is our identity. The word is assalamualaikum wr.wb, i dont know why . because we are islamic and we are UII student, right? . i have analyze almost in first semester. Please complain if my argument was wrong. this opinion just for relax and for remember whatever its important or not. But once again i am say . “simple but always forgotten"

    I am sorry no one source

          Just my analyse

           Thanks ridody


By : Firnadia Yulia Wahda

The rules governing the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict are well established in both treaty and customary international humanitarian law. They are far, however, from being systematically applied and indeed are often flouted. The growing number of intereligious and interethnic conflicts has implied not only attacks against civilians but also, in many cases, the destruction of civilian objects, in particular cultural property. Acts of vandalism directed against such objects or their destruction are particularly common in such conflicts, as cultural property can be considered to symbolize the cultural identity and history of the adverse party.[1] Not only is the protection of such property, part of the world historical and cultural heritage, intrinsically important, its destruction could act as a catalyst, sparking more widespread hostilities and further blurring the distinction between military targets and civilian objects. Efforts to strengthen the protection of cultural property must therefore continue to be made alongside those undertaken to heighten the protection of civilians and civilian goods.[2] 

From certain kind of that reason made the state realise that it is important and fundamental things for the international society regulates the international rules to accomodate and protected the cultural heritage in every part  of the world. And in Den Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed conflict 1954 already started that the Urgency of the internationa society is really need any protection for the Cultural Property because it is related with the heritage all mankind.
In additional, because we need such kind of international  instrument to cover the protection of cultural property, thus international law alrady provide certain kind of the rule which are governed about the cultural property. The  kind scope of regulation divided into two kinds, the first is international Law and the second is national law. The international Law regulation governed about the convention and additional protocol 1 and 2 about the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict in the year of 1954 (protocol 1) and 1999. And national Law regulation in the form of national act and president decision.
The purpose of this article is propose a philosophical view the urgency of cultural property is need to be protected and describe the regulation which govern cultural property protection.

1      Cultural Property Need to be Protected
Before I describe of the urgency why cultural property must be protected. The first I would like to explain first the definition of Cultural Property. According to chapter 1 of the hague convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict is Movable or immovable property of 2 2 great importance to the cultural heritage of every people, buildings for the preservation of cultural property and centers containing large amounts of cultural property all fall within the scope of the Convention. The definition is thus restricted to property of great importance only. Examples of cultural property include: monuments of architecture, art or history, whether religious or secular; archeological sites; groups of buildings of historical or artistic interest; works of art; manuscripts, books and other objects of artistic, historical or archeological interest; and scientific collections and important collections of books, archives or reproductions.[3]

In clearly cultural propety devide into two are :        
a.      Movable or immovable property of great importance to the cultural heritage of every people, such as:
·           Monuments of architecture, art or history, whether religious or secular;
·     Archaeological sites, groups of buildings which are, as a whole, of historical or artistic interest;
·            works of art;
·    Manuscripts, books, and other objects of artistic, historical or archaeological interest;
·           Scientific collections and important collections of books or archives;
·           Reproductions of the above property;
b.  Buildings whose main and effective purpose is to preserve or exhibit movable cultural property, such as:
·   Museums;
·   Large libraries;
·   Depositories of archives;
·   Refuges intended to shelter other cultural property in the event of armed conflict;

c.   centres containing a large amount of cultural property, known as ‘‘centers containing monuments’’.[4]

Based on that definition we already known what are cultural property. And here we can refer to the hague convention for the protection of cultural property 1954 . the urgency cultural property need to be protected are :
1.   The  cultural .Property  and the natural heritage are increasingly threatened with destruction not only by the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions which aggravate the situation with even more formidable phenomena of damage or destruction,[5]
2.          Deterioration or disappearance of any item of the cultural property constitutes a harmful impoverishment of the heritage of all the nations of the world,
3.     The existing international conventions, recommendations and resolutions concerning cultural and natural property/heritage demonstrate the importance, for all the peoples of the world, of safeguarding this unique and irreplaceable property , to whatever people it may belong,
4.        The cultural heritage are of outstanding interest and therefore need to be pres,erved as part of the world heritage of mankind as a whole,[6]

1          The regulation which  govern  cultural property protection

1                1. .   International  Law Regulation   
                   a.  Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed    Conflict  (Hague, 1954 )
The 1954 Hague Convention provides for a system of general and special protection of cultural property. It is supplemented by Regulations for its execution (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which form an integral part of the Convention and whose purpose is to determine the practical measures through which observance of the protection recognized by the Convention can be ensured. These instruments apply in situations of international armed conflict.[7]
In the event of non-international armed conflict within the territory of a State Party to the Convention, ‘‘ each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the provisions of the present Convention which relate to respect for cultural property’’; the other
 provisions can be brought into force by means of special agreements.[8] The general principle of the protection of cultural property in armed conflicts is based on the obligation to safeguard and respect that property.[9] The safeguarding of cultural property comprises all preparatory measures to be taken in time of peace in order to provide the best possible material conditions for its protection.[10] Respect for cultural property implies refraining from committing any hostile act against it, and prohibiting, preventing and if necessary stopping any form of theft, pillage or misappropriation and any acts of vandalism. It also means that use of that property, of the appliances in use for its protection, or of its immediate surroundings for military purposes or to support military action is prohibited.[11]
It must be stressed that the instruments of international humanitarian law impose the responsibility to protect cultural property on both parties to the conflict, i.e. both the party which controls the cultural property and the opposing party. 
Special protection
The placing of cultural property under special protection grants that property immunity against any act of hostility and any use, including that of its surroundings,  for military purposes (Art. 9). Only a ‘‘ limited number of refuges intended to shelter movable cultural property in the event of armed conflict, of centers containing monuments and other immovable cultural property of very great importance’’ may be placed under special protection, provided that they fulfill the following conditions (Art. 8): V they must be situated at an adequate distance from any large industrial center or from any important military objective, and V they must not be used for military purpose.
b.  Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972 

For purposes of this Convention, the following shall be considered as heritage": 'natural natural featur-es ~onsisti~g of physical and biological formations or groups of 80 ICOMOS Tourism Handbook for World Heritage Site Managers such formations, which are of outstanding universal value from the aesthetic or scientific point of view; geological and physiographical formations and precisely delineated areas which constitute the habitat of threatened species of animaIs and plants of outstanding univers al value from the point of view of science or conservation; natural sites or precisely delineated natural areas of outstanding universal
value from the point of view of science, conservation or natural beauty.[12]

Each State Party to this Convention recognizes that the dut y of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage referred to in Articles 1 and 2 and situated on its territory, belongs primarily to that State. It will do all it can to this end, to the utmost of its own resources and, where appropriate, with any international assistance and co-operation, in particular, financial, artistic, scientific and technical, which it may b~~ able to obtain.[13] To ensure that effective and active measures are taken for the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage situated on its territory, each State Party to this Convention shall endeavor, in 50 far as possible, and as appropriate for each currentIy:
(a) to adopt a general policy which aims to give the cultural and natural heritage a function in the life of the community and to integrate the protection of that heritage into comprehensive planning programs;
(b) to set up within its territories, where su ch services do not exist, one or more services for the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage with an appropriate staff and possessing the means to discharge their functions;
(c) to develop scientific and techrùcal studies and research and to work out such operating methods as will make the State capable of counteracting the dangers that threaten its cultural and natural heritage sites.
(d) to take the appropriate legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures necessary for the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and rehabilitation of this heritage; and (e) to foster the establishment or development of national or regional centers for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage and to encourage scientific research in this field.[14]
Thus This convention has a big role in the protection of international cultural heritage. That interested in this convention is how the cultural heritage in every countries can registered their cultural heritage  by the other country. And based on that article the sterghten point here that would make different than other convention in this convention provided detaily about the role of national Law to implemented this kind of action.

c.  Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I)

The fundamental things in additional protocol one in the context of relationship with the punishment toward the people who commtit the crimes with make damage word cultural heritage. According to experter the regulation in artice 85 point 5 which is mentioned the catagorize of war crimes, thus have a criminal conduct in the artice 85 point 4 and can be punished based on International court decision. And one of the crimes is impairment to historical cultursl heritage .
d. Second Protocol to the Hague Convention 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict (Hague 26 Maret 1999)

           Enhanced protection
     Cultural property may be placed under enhanced protection provided that it meets the following three conditions (Art. 10):
·           it is cultural heritage of the greatest importance for humanity;
·           it is protected by adequate domestic legal and administrative measures recognizing its exceptional cultural and historic value and ensuring the highest level of protection;
·           it is not used for military purposes or to shield military sites, and a declaration has been made by the party which has control over the cultural property confirming that it will not be so used.[15]
Where cultural property has been granted both special protection under the 1954 Hague Convention and enhanced protection, only the provisions of enhanced protection apply between the States applying the Protocol (Art. 4).[16] 

 2. National Law Regulation
The Second Protocol contains a number of obligations which the States must consider and if necessary fulfil as soon as they ratify it; these include conduct relating to identification and safeguarding of cultural property the granting of enhanced protection, dissemination; and penal and administrative sanctions.
a. Law No 5 of 1992 about Cultural Property
   Actually our national regulation in the law no 5 of 1992 already governed about the protection of cultura property. The definition of cultural property in this Law is has same purposes if we refer to the Hague Convention 1959. But the differencess this law with the hague convention is the situation are diffrent. In law no 5 of 1992 its only in the peaceful c ondition and not in the war situation. But in the Hague convention is the protection of cultural property in the war or armed conflict situation.
   Thus the lackness of this regulation the protection of cultural property is to general and do not govern particularly in the war situation.
b. President decision no 23 of 1966 .  
To proving that Indonesia already legalize and signed deen haquae convention of 1954 on on 14 mei 1954. And the form of national Law if Indonesia already approved and legalize president gave the decree through president decision no 23 of year 1996

  • Cultural property need to be protected because of before in the year of 1954 at that time The  cultural  Property  and the natural heritage are increasingly threatened with destruction not only by the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions which aggravate the situation with even More formidable phenomena of damage or destruction. Thus need such kind the regulation to governed about it.
  • The regulation which  govern  cultural property protection is divided into two kinds, the first is international Law and the second is national law. The international Law regulation governed about the convention and additional protocol 1 and 2 about the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict in the year of 1954 (protocol 1) and 1999. And national Law regulation in the form of national act and president decision.



[1]  Marı´a Teresa Dutli,  Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, this paper reported on  the Meeting of Experts at Geneva, 5-6 October 2000, page 9

[2]  Ibid
[3]  Article 1 of the hague convention for the protection of cultural property 1954
[4]  Op.Cit page 147
[5] Preambule of Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the eventof Armed Conflict (Hague, 1954)

[6]  Preambule of  Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972
[7]  Article 18 of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict 1954
[8] Article 19 the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict 1954
[9]  Article 2 the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict 1954
[10]  Article 3 the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict 1954
[11]  Article 4 the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict 1954
[12]  Article 2 of Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972
                 [13]  Article 4 of Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972
                 [14]  Article 5 of Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972
                [15]  Article 10, Second Protocol to the Hague Convention 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict (Hague 26 Maret 1999)
[16]  Article 4 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict (Hague 26 Maret 1999)

Good Nutrition For Good Enforcement Of Law

If we want to get what we want, we need to try and work for it
If we want to enforce the law, so we need to try and work for it

Of course if we want to try something. We must fill our body with energy and stamina.
How can we enforce the law if we do not have the sufficient power?

In terms of power and energy of our body, we can get our energy from food and drinks

So I will tell you all about tips that will give you energy … [To Enforce The Law] ;)

In this time, I will give you information about what food we need to consume to get the power (and also the healthiness)

Let’s Check it Out !!!

This is the element in food which give us energy for our activity. THIS IS OUR FUEL.  Without this element, you will find yourself in a hard condition when you are doing activities, and also we will feel that our body is too weak to do something.
We can find this element in many… many… many… food….
Example : Rice, Potato, Sweet Potato, Corn, Banana, Candy, Sugar…
Of course if we consume this element in over ration, we will get something we don’t want.
Example : Diabetic, Obesity, Teeth problem and many more {I’m not joking, this is true hehe}

So that’s the first element, and then we continue to the second

This is the super duper element! Based on the etymological factor. Pro means everything and theins means ingredients based on situbondo language (haha just joking… I think there are any best answer from my explanation). Protein fix our broken or expired cell in our body, and it is important to the synthesis of our cell.
We can find this super element from beef, egg, and fish.
After that is for the digestion system.

Fiber is very important to our digestion system because it is some kind of lubricants for our bowels. So the way of food from the stomach until the bowel can be easy.
Vegetables have sufficient amount of fiber that we need.
Of course we don’t want our food that we eat is stop in the middle of our digest system Right?
So this element is important too…
And then element that essential for us

Our body cannot produce the vitamins by itself, so we need to eat right food to get the minimum amount of vitamins for our body.
The usage of this element is very variant, example is to strengthen your immune systems, make your skins healthy, support the metabolism of your body and many more.
We can find it from most of fruit and vegetables.

And the last but not least is MILK
Milk is the element that will accomplish the other element.

4 sehat 5 sempurna (that the Indonesian program for healthy life)
I hope my writing will have a benefit point for the enforcement of law.
And wait my next text Okay ^_^
Thank You
Yoshimitsu Minamoto