



International Program Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia is a special undergraduate program (S1) which was first established in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Central Java Indonesia since the year of  2000/2001. Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia have specific concentration on International Law and Business Law. This program is conducted facilities by English Regular communication in, teaching learning processes, lectures, discussions, assignments, consultations, thesis writing and all other academic activities based on the reality. The reason why the faculty of Law offers International Programs is basically that globalization era and International networks have brought legal problems.This includes International transactions in trade and business as well as cyber law, and international dispute resolutions that have led the faculty of Law to challenge this international market demand.

Main Objectives

First, to support the dream of UII in achieving its visions as Islamic University with International qualification and enable UII to the world atmosphere of God's blessing of rahmatan lil 'alamin.

Second, to develop and propagate innovative, creative, and sensitive intellectual who is capable of competing in the global challenge, embodied with full commitment to the truth and justice, high morality and professionalism with reference to the university of the Islamic teaching.Third, to provide human resources of law graduates with high and international qualification so that could compete to gain more profit from the globalization era.Fourth, to customize students in certain law education processes with a broad understanding and comparative analysis so law graduates are expected to be ready to respond global market.Fifth, to prepare students with ability to think and express legal ideas and concepts in English so that they could become law graduates who could contribute to shape the shape the progressive legal development national and International job scopes.


Curriculum & its Advantages

The curriculum of the international program, in certain degree, is similar to the curriculum of regular program. In respect to the global demand, however, international program will emphasize its curriculum in Islamic law, national and international laws (Public and private), and comparative law. This combined curriculum will effect law student to gain certain advantages.First, Student will be more familiar with acquiring legal cases being solved.Second, International Programs will produce law graduates who become legal professional and expert in the field. Finally. They could compete to take an opportunity in occupying job positions in government and non-government employment both in Indonesia and in overseas.


Duration of Study

Students are required to complete 154 credit units to get LLB (Bachelor of Law, S1). They are also obliged to conduct research (library or filed research) and must demonstrate their research findings in a final examination of thesis (pendadaran). The whole programs will take place 7 semesters and no more than 14 semesters (7 years).


Vision and Mission

To be an excellent Islamic University in the world, it can inevitably be avoided that high quality of teaching and learning process in law is facilitated in English. Creative and innovative research program and Islamic propagation (dakwah)  are overwhelming effort to respond the necessary action for the entirely world hopes. This vision can be achieved by the following steps.The first is to foster education law which is not only facilitated in English, but also how to teach and assess students in more democratic and accountable ways. The second is to provide high quality staff who are academically considered as competent persons to deliver lecturers, workshop and other academic-activities. The third is to provide students with facilities which enable them to to solve the problems of their study.



The International Class Program will commence on July this year, the 2013/2014 academic year. This will accommodate 40 students for one class or maximum two classes for 80 students.


Admission Requirements

Show High School certificate (STTB) or an equivalent status. A copy of High School certificate should be legalized by headmaster or Department of Education and transcript of academic progress. Have student Visa for those who are from overseas. Students can only be granted a Bachelor of Law if they reach 550 TOEFL score at the end of the study. An application form can be obtained from BUKOPIN Bank.Hand over three passport photographs scale 6 x 4 cm2



1.  Fill in admission form of the UPCM and return it to the University Central Committee (for more       detailed procedure, see the UPCM manual).

2.  Candidates have to attach TOEFL score which can be obtained at :

-   CILACS (Center for International Language and Cultural Studies), Jl. Pattimura no.7 Kotabaru, or

-   The International Program Faculty of Economics, or

-   Language Center of Gadjah Mada University, or

-   Language Center of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, or

-   Extention Course of Sanata Dharma University, or IIEF

3. Students have to pay registration Fee of Rp. 165.000,- (for students who take TOEFL Test) or Rp.125.000,- (for Students who don't take TOEFL Test)


Article source is taken from : 

http://law.uii.ac.id/program-studi/international-program-ip/internationa program.html  

----Firnadia Yulia Wahda----

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