
Attendance Problem

Did you guys read Gandar's cool poem? When Blood Scattered for Attendance, a very strong knight can't marry the beloved princess ONLY because a single flag. Even when he risks his life to save the princess from the big, strong, scary, and mighty dragon. I know it's just a story, but it can be compared with my university life. Can't join the final examination ONLY because a problem: Attendance.

Well, story from my university. There is a rule says that we should have rate of Attendace not less than 75%, if not, we can't join the final examination. I think this is not an effective way to make college students to be more diligent, because, we are more likely forced to always attend classes. And some Lecturers don't accept        note other than doctor's note and formal note from university or faculty for their agenda (like OMT). How about when we have family event? Like in Gandar's poem? Or when we just got ill for a day just because headache or stomachache and we don't have to go to the doctor? How's that? Do we have to miss our final examination because of family event? Do we have to miss our final examination because we don't go to the doctor when we only got ill for a day? Sounds unfair, i think.

The point is, i disagree with this attendance regulation. It makes students get another burden, we have assignment, quiz, incoming examination, plus, the attendance. But every people have different opinion. Maybe you agree with the attendance regulation, or maybe you are with me. You have additional opinion or disagreement. You can comment on this post.

Best regards,

Rahadyan Rifkhi Nugroho

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